
Nahrwan 1934 / UTM zone 38N to Karbala 1979 / UTM zone 38N (20)


Geodetic CRS: Nahrwan 1934

Datum: Nahrwan 1934

Ellipsoid: Clarke 1880 (RGS)

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: Ministry of Oil 2008 licence round.

Revision date: 2015-02-06

Scope: Approximate transformation of seismic data acquired before 1985 to CRS used post 1985.

Remarks: May be emulated using geocentric translations from Nahrwan 1934 to Karbala 1979 of dX=-319, dY=186 and dZ=160m. Other maps give different values - see tfm code 7030.

Method: Cartesian Grid Offsets

Area of use: Iraq - between UTM 3290000mN and 3470000mN (approximately 29°47'N and 31°21'N) and between UTM 400000mE and 600000mE (approximately 43°56'E and 46°04'E).

Description: (0,)

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