ED50 to ETRS89 (2)


Geodetic CRS: ED50

Datum: European Datum 1950

Ellipsoid: International 1924

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: Statens Kartverk.

Revision date: 2001-06-05

Steps of transformation: 1043 1146 1149

Scope: Oil and gas exploration and production.

Remarks: Taken from ED50 to WGS 84 (14) (code 8046). In 1998 agreed that within the accuracy of that transformation WGS 84 equates to ETRS89 and the transformation would relate ED50 to ETRS89.

Area of use: Denmark - North Sea; Germany - North Sea; Netherlands - offshore; Norway - North Sea south of 62°N; United Kingdom (UKCS) - North Sea south of 62°N.

Description: (0,)

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