Data source: EPSG
Information source: EPSG guidance note #7-2,
Revision date: 2019-02-21
Remarks: Note the analogy with the Coordinate Frame rotation (code 1058) but beware of the differences! The Position Vector convention is used by IAG. See method codes 1053 and 1054 for similar methods operating between other CRS types.
Note: These formulas have been transcribed from EPSG Guidance Note #7-2. Users are encouraged to use that document rather than the text which follows as reference because limitations in the transcription will be avoided. Transformation of coordinates from one geographic coordinate reference system into another is often carried out as a concatenation of the following operations: (geographical to geocentric) + (geocentric to geocentric) + (geocentric to geographic) The Time-dependent Position Vector (geog3D domain) transformation has 3 steps: (i) geographic 3D coordinates are converted to geocentric coordinates using EPSG coordinate operation method code 9602; (ii) the middle step of the concatenated transformation, from geocentric coordinates to geocentric coordinates, uses the Time-dependent Position Vector (geocentric domain) method, EPSG method code 1053; (iii) finally the geocentric coordinates are converted to geographic 3D using EPSG coordinate operation method code 9602.
Input point: Coordinate reference system: WGS 84 (G1674) = ITRF08 (geographic 2D) Latitude = 15 deg 28 min 32.368 sec S Longitude = 128 deg 02 min 56.198 sec E Ellipsoidal height hs = 46.244 m at epoch 2013.90 This transforms to WGS 84 (G1674) = ITRF2008 Cartesian geocentric coordinates: Xs = -3789470.702 m Ys = 4841770.411 m Zs = -1690893.950 m (at epoch 2013.9) Transformation parameters ITRF08 to GDA94: tX = –84.68 mm dtX = +1.42 mm/yr tY = –19.42 mm dtY = +1.34 mm/yr tZ = +32.01 mm dtZ = +0.90 mm/yr rX = 0.4254 msec drX = -1.5461 msec/yr rY = -2.2578 msec drY = -1.1820 msec/yr rZ = -2.4015 msec drZ = -1.1551 msec/yr dS = +0.00971 ppm ddS = +0.000109 ppm/yr t0 = 1994.00 Corrections due to rate of change to each of the 7 transformation parameters for the period (t-t0), taking care to convert the translations to the same units as the source CRS (in this case metres) and the rotations to radians: tX' = –84.68 + [(1.42 * (2013.90-1994.00)] = –56.42 mm = –0.056m tY' = +0.007 m tZ' = +0.050 m rX' = –0.4254 + [(1.5461 * (2013.90-1994.00)] = +30.3420 msec = 1.471021E-07rad rY' = 1.249830E-07 rad rZ' = 1.230844E-07 rad dS' = 0.00971 + [0.000109 * (2013.90-1994.00)] = 0.01188 ppm from which M' = 1.00000001188 Using these parameter values, application of the 7 parameter Position Vector transformation results in: Xt = -3789470.008 m Yt = 4841770.685 m Zt = -1690895.103 m on the GDA94 geocentric coordinate reference system. This converts into: Latitude = 15 deg 28 min 32.406 sec S Longitude = 128 deg 02 min 56.174 sec E Ellipsoidal height = +46.244m on the GDA94 geographic 3D coordinate reference system.