
zero-tide height to mean-tide height (EVRF2019)


Data source: EPSG

Information source: European vertical data centre at Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG), Leipzig branch. https://evrs.bkg.bund.de/Subsites/EVRS and EVRS Conventions.

Revision date: 2021-06-08

Remarks: The offset of -0.08593 is applied to force EVRF2019 mean-tide height to be equal to EVRF2019 height at the EVRF2019 nominal origin at Amsterdams Peil.


H(EVRF2019 mean-tide) = H(EVRF2019) + (0.29541∙sin^2(lat) + 0.00042∙sin^4(lat) - 0.0994) - 0.08593 [m]


For EVRF2019 height (zero-tide) = 100.154m at 50°55'01.5"N, 14°29'13.5"E. 
lat = 0.88867075 radians

H(EVRF2019 mean-tide) = 100.154 + (0.1780 + 0.0002 - 0.0994) - 0.08593 = 100.147m
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