
Viti Levu 1912 / Viti Levu Grid to Fiji 1986 / Fiji Map Grid (1)


Geodetic CRS: Viti Levu 1912

Datum: Viti Levu 1912

Ellipsoid: Clarke 1880 (international foot)

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: Department of Lands and Survey.

Revision date: 2007-07-06

Scope: Transformation of coordinates at 1m level of accuracy.

Remarks: Coefficients A for easting, B for northing. DLAS embed Xs and Ys in the polynomial portion of the EPSG general polynomial method formula. Coefficients Au0v1 & Bu1v0 given by DLAS as 201203.51 & 201203.45 modified for EPSG formula by subtracting (1/ms).

Method: General polynomial of degree 2

Area of use: Fiji - Viti Levu island.

Description: (0,)

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