Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)
Derived at two points, checked at a third by Stolt Comex Seaway and Geoid for Elf.
degree (supplier to define representation)
Replaces Doula 1948 (code 4192). The intent of the Bukavu 1953 conference was to adopt the Clarke 1880 (RGS) ellipsoid (code 7012) but in practice this CRS has used the IGN version.
Ellipsoidal 2D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude. Orientations: north, east. UoM: degree
Definition: OGC Well Known Text
GEOGCS["Manoca 1962", DATUM["Manoca_1962", SPHEROID["Clarke 1880 (IGN)",6378249.2,293.466021293627], TOWGS84[-70.9,-151.8,-41.4,0,0,0,0]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4193"]]
Definition: OGC Well Known Text 2 (2019)
BOUNDCRS[ SOURCECRS[ GEOGCRS["Manoca 1962", DATUM["Manoca 1962", ELLIPSOID["Clarke 1880 (IGN)",6378249.2,293.466021293627, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], CS[ellipsoidal,2], AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north, ORDER[1], ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east, ORDER[2], ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], USAGE[ SCOPE["Geodesy."], AREA["Cameroon - coastal area."], BBOX[2.16,8.45,4.99,10.4]], ID["EPSG",4193]]], TARGETCRS[ GEOGCRS["WGS 84", ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble", MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"], ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], CS[ellipsoidal,2], AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north, ORDER[1], ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east, ORDER[2], ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], USAGE[ SCOPE["Horizontal component of 3D system."], AREA["World."], BBOX[-90,-180,90,180]], ID["EPSG",4326]]], ABRIDGEDTRANSFORMATION["Transformation from unknown to WGS84", METHOD["Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain)", ID["EPSG",9606]], PARAMETER["X-axis translation",-70.9, ID["EPSG",8605]], PARAMETER["Y-axis translation",-151.8, ID["EPSG",8606]], PARAMETER["Z-axis translation",-41.4, ID["EPSG",8607]], PARAMETER["X-axis rotation",0, ID["EPSG",8608]], PARAMETER["Y-axis rotation",0, ID["EPSG",8609]], PARAMETER["Z-axis rotation",0, ID["EPSG",8610]], PARAMETER["Scale difference",1, ID["EPSG",8611]]]]
Definition: JSON
{ "$schema": "", "type": "BoundCRS", "source_crs": { "type": "GeographicCRS", "name": "Manoca 1962", "datum": { "type": "GeodeticReferenceFrame", "name": "Manoca 1962", "ellipsoid": { "name": "Clarke 1880 (IGN)", "semi_major_axis": 6378249.2, "semi_minor_axis": 6356515 } }, "coordinate_system": { "subtype": "ellipsoidal", "axis": [ { "name": "Geodetic latitude", "abbreviation": "Lat", "direction": "north", "unit": "degree" }, { "name": "Geodetic longitude", "abbreviation": "Lon", "direction": "east", "unit": "degree" } ] }, "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 4193 } }, "target_crs": { "type": "GeographicCRS", "name": "WGS 84", "datum_ensemble": { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble", "members": [ { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1166 } }, { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1152 } }, { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1153 } }, { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1154 } }, { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1155 } }, { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1156 } }, { "name": "World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 1309 } } ], "ellipsoid": { "name": "WGS 84", "semi_major_axis": 6378137, "inverse_flattening": 298.257223563 }, "accuracy": "2.0", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 6326 } }, "coordinate_system": { "subtype": "ellipsoidal", "axis": [ { "name": "Geodetic latitude", "abbreviation": "Lat", "direction": "north", "unit": "degree" }, { "name": "Geodetic longitude", "abbreviation": "Lon", "direction": "east", "unit": "degree" } ] }, "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 4326 } }, "transformation": { "name": "Transformation from unknown to WGS84", "method": { "name": "Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain)", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 9606 } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "X-axis translation", "value": -70.9, "unit": "metre", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8605 } }, { "name": "Y-axis translation", "value": -151.8, "unit": "metre", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8606 } }, { "name": "Z-axis translation", "value": -41.4, "unit": "metre", "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8607 } }, { "name": "X-axis rotation", "value": 0, "unit": { "type": "AngularUnit", "name": "arc-second", "conversion_factor": 4.84813681109536e-06 }, "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8608 } }, { "name": "Y-axis rotation", "value": 0, "unit": { "type": "AngularUnit", "name": "arc-second", "conversion_factor": 4.84813681109536e-06 }, "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8609 } }, { "name": "Z-axis rotation", "value": 0, "unit": { "type": "AngularUnit", "name": "arc-second", "conversion_factor": 4.84813681109536e-06 }, "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8610 } }, { "name": "Scale difference", "value": 0, "unit": { "type": "ScaleUnit", "name": "parts per million", "conversion_factor": 1e-06 }, "id": { "authority": "EPSG", "code": 8611 } } ] } }
Definition: GeoServer
4193=GEOGCS["Manoca 1962",DATUM["Manoca_1962",SPHEROID["Clarke 1880 (IGN)",6378249.2,293.466021293627],TOWGS84[-70.9,-151.8,-41.4,0,0,0,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4193"]]
Definition: Mapnik
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Map srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk80ign +towgs84=-70.9,-151.8,-41.4,0,0,0,0 +no_defs +type=crs"> <Layer srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk80ign +towgs84=-70.9,-151.8,-41.4,0,0,0,0 +no_defs +type=crs"> </Layer> </Map>
Definition: SQL (PostGIS)
INSERT into spatial_ref_sys (srid, auth_name, auth_srid, proj4text, srtext) values ( 4193, 'EPSG', 4193, '+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk80ign +towgs84=-70.9,-151.8,-41.4,0,0,0,0 +no_defs +type=crs', 'GEOGCS["Manoca 1962",DATUM["Manoca_1962",SPHEROID["Clarke 1880 (IGN)",6378249.2,293.466021293627],TOWGS84[-70.9,-151.8,-41.4,0,0,0,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4193"]]');