Deir ez Zor (deg)

Selected transformation

Name: Deir ez Zor to WGS 84 (1)

Remarks: Can be implemented as a position vector tfm with param. values dX=-174.6 dY=-3.1 dZ=238.1m; rX=rY=0 rZ=0.814"; dS=-0.38 ppm.

Information source: OGP

Revision date: 2020-03-14


Unit: degree

Geodetic CRS: Deir ez Zor

Datum: Deir ez Zor

Ellipsoid: Clarke 1880 (IGN)

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: OGP

Revision date: 2002-11-22

Scope: Geodesy.

Remarks: See CRS code 4227 for recommended coordinate axis representation for the human interface.

Area of use: Lebanon - onshore. Syrian Arab Republic - onshore.

Coordinate system: Ellipsoidal 2D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude. Orientations: north, east. UoM: dec deg

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