GDA94 (deg)

Available transformations
to EPSG:4326

Selected transformation

Method: Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)

Remarks: Approximation at the 3m level assuming WGS 84 is equivalent to GDA94. Ignores the low accuracy of the WGS 84 ensemble and the inconsistent application of tectonic plate motion to WGS 84 data.

Information source: OGP

Revision date: 2021-09-23


Unit: degree

Geodetic CRS: GDA94

Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994

Ellipsoid: GRS 1980

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: OGP

Revision date: 2002-11-22

Scope: Geodesy.

Remarks: See CRS code 4283 for recommended coordinate axis representation for the human interface.

Area of use: Australia - onshore and offshore to 200 nautical mile EEZ boundary. Includes Lord Howe Island, Ashmore and Cartier Islands.

Coordinate system: Ellipsoidal 2D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude. Orientations: north, east. UoM: dec deg

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