DHDN (deg)

Selected transformation

Method: NTv2

Grid Files: SeTa2016.gsb

Remarks: Replaces SeTa2009 from 2018-01-15. Derived using the 2016 implementation of ETRS89 / DREF91 and DHHN2016. Coincident with the transformation of cadastral data from DHDN to ETRS89 used by LVGL at a level of 1-2 mm.

Information source: Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung - Saarland (LVGL).

Revision date: 2020-02-28


Unit: degree

Geodetic CRS: DHDN

Datum: Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz

Ellipsoid: Bessel 1841

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: OGP

Revision date: 2002-11-22

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