
ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (2)


Geodetic CRS: ITRF2014

Datum: International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014

Ellipsoid: GRS 1980

Prime meridian: Greenwich

Data source: EPSG

Information source: IOGP

Revision date: 2019-07-17

Steps of transformation: 9083 9089

Scope: Geodesy.

Remarks: Step 1 is in geocentric coordinate domain, step 2 in geographic 3D domain. Replaces concatenated op. ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (1) (CT code 9100). Replaced by concatenated op. ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (3) (CT code 9102). See CT 1565 for low accuracy applications.

Area of use: New Zealand - North Island, South Island, Stewart Island - onshore and nearshore.

Description: (0,)

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