Degree representation conversion: degH to DMSH


Data source: EPSG

Information source: EPSG guidance note #7.

Revision date: 2002-11-22

Remarks: Applies to 2D and the horizontal component of 3D ellipsoidal systems.


In the formulas that follow, the coordinate strings are symbolically represented as follows:

deg                     decimal degrees
adeg                   absolute value of decimal degrees
ideg                     integer degrees
sdeg                   signed integer degree
min                      real-number minutes
imin                      integer minutes
sec                      real-number seconds
lathem, lonhem    hemisphere abbreviation

In this conversion (both forward and reverse) the hemisphere parameter remains unchanged and retains its position in the respective coordinate strings.

Forward calculation from degH representation to DMSH representation:
ideg = INT(adeg)

min = (adeg - ideg) * 60
imin = INT(min)
sec =  (min - imin) * 60

Reverse calculation from DMSH representation to decimal degree representation:
adeg = (ideg + imin/60 + sec/3600)


Source CRS = WGS 84 (degH) (CRS code 63266406).
Latitude = 35.75255N, longitude = 85.20415W

Target CRS in DMSH = WGS 84 (CRS code 4326)
Latitude = 35°45’09.18"N, longitude =  85°12’14.94"W
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