Data source: EPSG
Information source: EPSG guidance note #7-2,
Revision date: 2017-06-13
Remarks: Coordinate pairs treated as complex numbers. This exploits the correlation between the polynomial coefficients and leads to a smaller number of coefficients than the general polynomial of degree 4.
Note: These formulas have been transcribed from EPSG Guidance Note #7-2. Users are encouraged to use that document rather than the text which follows as reference because limitations in the transcription will be avoided. The relationship between two projected coordinate reference systems may be approximated more elegantly by a single polynomial regression formula written in terms of complex numbers. The advantage is that the dependence between the ‘A’ and ‘B’ coefficients (for U and V) is taken into account in the formula, resulting in fewer coefficients for the same order polynomial. A fourth-order polynomial in complex numbers is used in The Netherlands for transforming coordinates referenced to the Amersfoort / RD system to and from ED50 / UTM. mT.(dX + i. dY) = (A1 + i. A2).(U + i.V) + (A3 + i. A4).(U + i.V)^2 + (A5 + i. A6).(U + i.V)^3 + (A7 + i.A8).(U + i.V)^4 where U = mS.(XS - XS0) V = mS.(YS - YS0) and mS, mT are the scaling factors for the coordinate differences in the source and target coordinate reference systems. The polynomial to degree 4 can alternatively be expressed in matrix form. Then XT = XS - XS0 + XT0 + dX YT = YS - YS0 + YT0 + dY where XT , YT are coordinates in the target coordinate reference system, XS , YS are coordinates in the source coordinate reference system, XS0 , YS0 are coordinates of the evaluation point in the source coordinate reference system, XT0 , YT0 are coordinates of the evaluation point in the target coordinate reference system. Note that the zero order coefficients of the general polynomial, A0 and B0, have apparently disappeared. In reality they are absorbed by the different coordinates of the source and of the target evaluation point, which in this case, are numerically very different because of the use of two different projected coordinate reference systems for source and target. The transformation parameter values (the coefficients) are not reversible. For the reverse transformation a different set of parameter values are required, used within the same formulas as the forward direction.
For transformation RD / Netherlands New to ED50 / UTM zone 31N, Eo1 = 155000 No1 = 463000 Eo2 = 663395.607 No2 = 5781194.380 A1 = -51.681 A2 = 3290.525 A3 = 20.172 A4 = 1.133 A5 = 2.075 A6 = 0.251 A7 = 0.075 A8 = -0.012 For source coordinate system E1=200000 N1=500000, then E2 =707155.557 N2 = 5819663.128.