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Area of use: Australia
Area of use: Between 138°E and 144°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Australia. Indonesia. Papua New Guinea.
Area of use: Between 12°W and 6°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Algeria. Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). Faroe Islands. Guinea. Ireland. Jan Mayen. Liberia, Mali. Mauritania. Morocco. Portugal. Sierra Leone. Spain. United Kingdom (UK). Western Sahara.
Area of use: Between 6°E and 12°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Algeria. Austria. Cameroon. Denmark. Equatorial Guinea. France. Gabon. Germany. Italy. Libya. Liechtenstein. Monaco. Netherlands. Niger. Nigeria. Norway. Sao Tome and Principe. Svalbard. Sweden. Switzerland. Tunisia. Vatican City State.
Area of use: Pacific Ocean
Area of use: World