
Maracaibo Cross Grid M4


Unit: metre

Geodetic CRS: Maracaibo Cross Grid M4

Datum: Maracaibo Cross

Data source: EPSG

Information source: Ministry of Mines standards manual of 1974.

Revision date: 2008-06-23

Scope: Oil and gas exploration and production.

Remarks: Grid coordinates 200000N 200000E at Cruz Canada Morillo in Maracaibo. The cross is ascribed coordinates of 10°38'22"N, 71°37'18"W.

Area of use: Venezuela - Maracaibo area, onshore and offshore in lake.

Coordinate system: Cartesian 2D CS. Axes: northing, easting (N,E). Orientations: north, east. UoM: m.

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