Found 137 valid records and 13 deprecated records (in 0.01 seconds)
Area of use: Antarctica.
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1921
Area of use: Antarctica - Adelie Land - Petrels island. (accuracy: 10.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1921
Area of use: Antarctica - Adelie Land - Petrels island. (accuracy: 10.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15802
Area of use: Antarctica - McMurdo Sound, Camp McMurdo area. (accuracy: 999.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15812
Area of use: Antarctica - South Shetland Islands - Deception Island. (accuracy: 35.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1922
Area of use: Antarctica - Adelie Land - coastal area between 136°E and 142°E. (accuracy: 10.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1922
Area of use: Antarctica - Adelie Land - coastal area between 136°E and 142°E. (accuracy: 10.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15974
Area of use: Antarctica (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15974
Area of use: Antarctica (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15974
Area of use: Antarctica (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map