Found 6360 valid records and 1504 deprecated records (in 0.04 seconds)
Area of use: World
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 7710
Area of use: United Kingdom (UK) (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1671
Area of use: France - onshore and offshore, mainland and Corsica (France métropolitaine including Corsica). (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15965
Area of use: Czechia; Slovakia. (accuracy: 6.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1149
Area of use: Europe (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1766
Area of use: Liechtenstein; Switzerland. (accuracy: 1.5)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1670
Area of use: New Zealand - North Island, South Island, Stewart Island - onshore and nearshore. (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 4833
Area of use: Netherlands - onshore, including Waddenzee, Dutch Wadden Islands and 12-mile offshore coastal zone. (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 15929
Area of use: Belgium - onshore. (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map
with transformation: 1641
Area of use: Ireland - onshore. United Kingdom (UK) - Northern Ireland (Ulster) - onshore. (accuracy: 1.0)
Transform coordinates |
Get position on a map